1993-China12 [9353] by MartinTasker
  1. MartinTasker's Gallery
  2. 1993: China1993: China
  3. 1993-China12 [9353]1993-China12 [9353]

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Item information:

1993-China01 [9219] (The Forbidden City, Beijing)
1993-China02 [9225] (Golden tigers, Forbidden City, Beijing)
1993-China03 [9234] (Forbidden City from Tiananmen Square)
1993-China04 [9250] (9250 Lanzhou 14/10/93)
1993-China05 [9261] (Gantang)
1993-China06 [9276] (QJ7161 + QJ7092 struggle on the climb towards Shapotou with a coal train)
1993-China07 [9290] (QJ6541 + QJ???? climb towards Shapotou with a mixed freight)
1993-China08 [9307] (DF4 3604 + DF4 6135 climb towards Shapotou with an oil train)
1993-China09 [9317] (QJ6620 climbs towards Shapotou with the 1101 Beijing – Lanzhou Train 43)
1993-China10 [9328] (QJ7096 coasts towards Changliushui with a coal train)
1993-China11 [9352] (QJ7089 + QJ7088 + QJ6745 climb out of Changliushui with a mixed freight)
1993-China12 [9353] (QJ7089 + QJ7088 + QJ6745 climb out of Changliushui with a mixed freight)
1993-China13 [9359] (QJ7096 near Changliushui with the 1101 Beijing – Lanzhou)
1993-China14 [9360] (Happy smiling Mongolians)
1993-China15 [9363] (QJ7090 at Yinchuan with the 1040 Yinchuan – Beijing)
1993-China16 [9364] (The crew of QJ7090, Yinchuan)
1993-China17 [9376] (Inside Baotou shed workshops)
1993-China18 [9406] (QJ6517 coasts towards Baotou from Bayanobo with an empty coal train)
1993-China19 [9418] (Happiness, friendship, peacefulness, Baotou)
1993-China20 [9463] (Yungang grottoes)

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